Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, we are back to articulately blab air just for lil old you. We’re so happy you could join us. In this episode we actually argue quite a bit but whilst doing that we talk about;
Beating Kids, Reasoning With Kids, The Difference Between Fear And Respect, Biggest Problems Facing Black Men Today, Anal Rape, Blaming White People For Black Peoples Problems, The Difference Between How Different Cultures Grow Up, Skunk Weed, Black People Being Annoying, How Our Parents Succeeded Where We Failed, Female Lineswoman, Andy Gray Getting Fired, Sexism, Male / Female Pay Structures And If We Could Go Out With A Taller Woman.
That’s that folks. The links below highlight a few of the things mentioned in the show. Please remember that we need YOUR questions to keep the show moving. They don’t come from thin air. Keep them coming in. Email us at [email protected]. Have a look at our Facebook page and you can ask questions and see what other people think there as well. You got no excuses.
See you guys next week.
Eloquently Saying Nothing until the next time when we start saying something.