Hey folks, we’re back and have a full house of Slag-Fest Soldiers. No less than seven of us to entertain you this time around. And it get’s passionate and heated this week. In this episode we discuss;
The General Price Rises In Everything In The UK, Prenuptial Contracts, Old People Having Kids, Somehow We Equate Sky TV Packages With Gay Relationships When Talking About Gay Couples Adopting Kids, What Puts Men Off Women Once They Reach The Bedroom, If We Use Our Knowledge, Instincts Or Holy Ghost To Guide Our Decisions and We Finish Off With The Hot Topic… Women That Perform Poorly In Bed! It’s Something That’s Been Brushed Under The Carpet Too Long!
Another week done, hope we made your life better. Remember, the show is nothing without your questions, requests & comments so keep them coming. You can email us at [email protected].
Enjoy and come back next time for more.
Eloquently Saying Nothing until the next time when we start saying something.