Folks, it’s good to be back. Hope life is good in whatever part of the world you’re in. Right, in this episode we discuss;
If We’d Ask Out A Woman That Knows 4500 People On Facebook | The Everlasting Sagas Of Trina! | If We Could Be With Someone That’s Been With A Mutual Friend | How To Let A Friend, Lover, Partner Down Easy| What We’d do If We Woke Up To A Beautiful Stranger Giving Us Happy Time | We Plug The ESN Group | Ask What Most Important Albums For Each Of Us Are Since The Year 2000 | Slag-Fest & The Importance Of A Certain Album To The Early Movement | The Plight To Save ACLT Charity and J Dilla… We Go On For A While About J Dilla, But He Deserves It So No Sorry’s. Lump It
That’s that folks. Another episode wrapped up. Check the links below for stuff mentioned in the show. Please remember that we need YOUR questions to keep the show moving. They don’t appear from thin air. Keep them coming. Email us at [email protected]. Also, have a look at our Facebook page and you can ask questions and see what other people think there as well. You got no excuses.
See you guys next week.
Eloquently Saying Nothing until the next time when we start saying something.