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Equipped with Chris Brooks

706 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 days ago - ★★★★★ - 154 ratings

Equipped with Chris Brooks encourages you to grow spiritually, think critically, and live compassionately in your community. Interact with Chris as he empowers you to live out the gospel in a rapidly changing culture. This live, one-hour program, airing weekdays at noon CT, features special guests and welcomes your participation by callling in and by plugging in through social media.

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When Someone You Love Rejects Christianity

August 20, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Barna research reports that nearly two-thirds of U.S. 18–29-year-olds who grew up in church have walked away as an adult and we regularly hear of Christian leaders who have left Christianity. What if that’s your child? How do you relate to them and share the truth of Jesus? Coming up on Equipped, gifted apologist Lisa Fields will take your questions about responding well when someone you love rejects the Christian faith. 

Handling Life's Most Stressful Jobs

August 19, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris helps us navigate the complexities and contours of our daily Christian walk from a Biblical worldview. Today we are going to talk about how to handle life's most stressful jobs. We will also pray together as we look to the Lord for His help in our places of employment.

God’s Hand in Afghanistan & Haiti

August 18, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What can Christians learn from the turmoil in Afghanistan and devastation in Haiti? How can we encourage and support our brothers & sisters in Christ there? Jim Denison joins me with key takeaways for each of us!

Redeeming Social Media for Gospel Opportunities

August 17, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Many of us are concerned about the pitfalls of social media apps like Tik-Tok, Snapchat, or Instagram but what if we could capitalize on these apps for the Gospel?  York Moore is passionate about getting the gospel into the hands of the next generation!  He joins Chris Brooks with exciting stories of how he has creatively captured a growing audience of teens and college kids with Biblical truth! 

Overflow Pt. 4 – Giving and Ability

August 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We all have gifts from God that can bring the light of the Gospel to this broken world, but simply having the time, talent, or treasure is not enough. God expects us to step out in action to see His name lifted high! Don’t miss Chris Brooks’ challenging conclusion to the blessings of living an overflowing life!

Overflow Pt. 3 – Giving and Ministry

August 13, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris Brooks reminds us that our time, talents, and treasure are all gifts from God! We can choose to keep them to ourselves or we can discover the incredible joy that comes from giving generously.  The early church understood this and their faithfulness changed the world!  Learn more about the blessings of living a generous life from 2nd Corinthians chapter 9!

Getting Over Yourself

August 12, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Have you noticed the self-centered focus creeping into conversations, even in the Church?  Phrases like “live your best life”, “find your destiny” or “you do you” reveal a core belief that we are entitled to live life well AND on our own terms – but what did Jesus really teach about abundant living?  Author and pastor Dean Inserra will help us discern the fake gospel of personal prosperity and self-affirmation while leading us toward cross-centered, Christ-focused Christianity.

Grounding Children in a Biblical Worldview

August 11, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The world and its values are creeping into our children’s lives at younger and younger ages.  How can parents instill a Biblical worldview into the minds and hearts of our elementary-age kids? Guest host Collin Lambert talks with a teacher and Christian apologist, Elizabeth Urbanowicz about beginning early to prepare the next generation of critical thinkers and life-long disciples of Jesus! 


August 10, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When is the last time someone insulted or offended you?  What was your reaction? As Christ-followers, are we entitled to be offended? Isn’t there such a thing as “righteous anger”?  Collin Lambert is sitting in for Chris Brooks and he welcomes popular radio host Brant Hansen to walk us through some of these questions and to dig deeper into this idea of letting go of offenses. It might just be the healthiest thing we can do.  

Have Serious Fun!

August 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When life hands us a crisis, like cancer or a car accident, our priorities and values often shift.  What are the most important principles for a life well lived?  Author and family expert Jim Burns will share his personal journey and the life-changing lessons he learned along the way, including the vital importance of having fun! Discover the keys to enriching your faith, work, and relationships.

3 Big Questions that Change Teens

August 06, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Our teens face challenges unknown to previous generations and now the research proves it. A study from the Fuller Youth Institute reveals that today’s teens are the most anxious, diverse, and adaptive generation in history! Authors and youth experts, Kara Powell and Brad Griffin will help us Interact well with our teens so they can discover the best answers to life’s most important questions.

The Plight and Promise of Girls

August 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Around the world millions of girls continue to be abused, abandoned, aborted, abducted and enslaved. They face discrimination in ways that threatens their very existence. Is there anything we can do to make a difference?  Michele Rickett, founder and CEO of She is Safe, has been advocating for women and girls for 20 years and she believes each of us can play a role in improving the plight of these young ones!  Learn what you can do to help, next time on Equipped! 

On Detours & Roadblocks

August 04, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What’s the purpose of detours in life? Pastor and author Dr. Tony Evans says detours are designed by God to deliver you to the place He created for you. Have you unwillingly embarked on an alternate route to reaching your goals? If you’re experiencing a pit stop on your life journey, join us to learn how God’s divine goals are achieved through the detours you’re facing. 

Parenting Generation Screen

August 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Most parents can agree that when it comes to kids and screens, we struggle! How long should they be on their computers?  What about social media?  Youth culture expert Jonathan McKee has spent decades coaching teens and parents from a Biblical worldview. He joins Chris Brooks to help us learn to prioritize connection over correction as we help our kids wisely engage with their digital world.

Hinge Moments

July 12, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Someone has said that the one thing you can count on in life is change. We all face times of transition; some are good and some are bad. The way we navigate these seasons often contributes to our future success and the fulfillment of God’s purposes in our lives! Dr. Michael Lindsay combines sound science with Biblical wisdom to help us maximize those pivotal points of life. 

How to Listen so Your Kids will Talk

July 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

If you are a parent, you know that getting children to listen is a challenge but have you ever considered that our kids may feel the same way about us?  Most children actually want to talk to their parents! Are we listening?  When we do, the rewards are priceless!  Becky Harling leads us in learning how to listen so our kids will talk.

Confronting Current Cultural Concerns

July 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Join Chris for a very special hour of questions and answers as he hosts a live studio audience from Maranatha Bible Conference in Michigan! The discussion will cover many of the key issues facing Christians in today’s culture and Chris will show us how to be winsome witnesses for Christ in a post-truth age.

After “I Believe”

July 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Did you know that living a life with Christ is not a one-time commitment? In fact, it’s a series of daily choices, infused with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor and author James White reminds us of the keys to a dynamic relationship with Jesus in this confusing and hostile world.  If your Christian life needs a good dose of adventure and wonder, don't miss this edition of Equipped!

Marriage Knot

July 06, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Pastor Ron Zappia and his wife Jody were high school sweethearts but by their first anniversary, they were on the brink of divorce!  Jesus restored their marriage and rewrote their life plan! If you are engaged, newly married, or are years into your marriage, Ron and Jody will share the lessons they learned and answer your relationship questions. Learn to build a secure marriage that will survive the storms of life!

Hope for Desperate Marriages

July 05, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When you said, “I do,” you entered marriage with high hopes, dreaming it would be supremely happy.  You never intended for it to be miserable.  Millions of couples are struggling in desperate marriages but it doesn’t have to end there!  Marriage and family counselor Dr. Gary Chapman believes every troubled marriage has the potential to change for the better.  He will lead us through steps to evaluate the problems, begin to see things more clearly and make choices for lasting positive impact o...

Finding God’s Strength in the Military

July 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Our military service members and their families experience challenges the rest of us know nothing about! How can we help them find the spiritual strength they need to navigate life in the military?  Chaplain Gordon Groseclose shares free resources and practical ways we can encourage our military friends and family to find Biblical wisdom for each step of their journey!

Healing Family Relationships

July 01, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Every family has hurts but those wounds that come from our family members run especially deep.  Conflicts may range from daily frictions and annoyances to full-blown rage and even estrangement. We know reconciliation is at the heart of the Gospel but how do we get there? From his 25 years of family ministry, Rob Rienow will outline the steps toward peace and healing for your home!

Solo Dads

June 30, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Single fathers must navigate their own set of unique challenges.  If you are a single dad, you know the fear that can topple your fragile confidence as you seek to parent your children alone. Robert Beeson of the Solo Parent Society joins Chris Brooks to help you find your footing and gain strength & courage to be the dad your child needs.

Redeeming Power

June 29, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Power has a God-given role in human relationships and institutions, but far too often, power is abused and lives are decimated.  Psychologist Diane Langberg helps us learn to protect the vulnerable and create safe spaces for them to thrive. Diane explains the clinical and theological framework for power, and illustrates how to bless and not curse those under our care!

Extraordinary Influence

June 28, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Whether you are lead an organization, a sports team or a family, we have the ability to speak words of life that will inspire our people to unleash their potential. Leadership expert Dr. Tim Irwin combines brain science and the wisdom of top CEOs to reveal a new approach that brings out the best in those we lead! If we want to see a change in our team, we need to let that change start with us!

The New Reformation

June 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris Brooks welcomes Christian hip-hop artist, theologian, and pastor, Shai Linne to the program!  Shai has a passion for Gospel-centered ethnic unity that does not fall into the traps of idolatry or apathy!  Don’t miss this discussion as Shai helps us understand what it means for people from all races to be one people in Christ.

Trusting God in the Darkness

June 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

It’s easy to trust God when things are going well but what happens when we face calamity or injustice? The book of Job is a helpful guide as we navigate seasons of pain while holding onto our confidence in God.  Pastor and author Christopher Ash will explore God’s relationship with Job to help us address the question:  “Where is God in the midst of suffering?” 

Handling Failure

June 23, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris Brooks applies a Biblical framework to handling failure in our current culture.  The phone lines will be open so you can talk over those important topics he brings to the table.  He’s sure to challenge your thinking and encourage your walk with Jesus.

Helping Kids Cope with Their Emotions

June 22, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Every parent knows from experience that little people have big emotions! Our children struggle with their feelings, and surprisingly, worry is among their greatest concerns.  How can we help our children learn to process their fears and take charge of their emotions?  Discover the answers today as author and counselor Dr. Josh Straub helps us foster emotional awareness in our children!

Unshakeable Leaders

June 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Leading is hard and staying mentally and emotionally healthy while leading is even harder.  John Opalewski’s experience as a leader in both business and church arenas has made him a sought-after speaker, consultant, and mentor. Would you like to bring a stronger, more confident version of yourself to the people you lead? John will teach us key behaviors for long-term personal and professional health.

Dads and Daughters

June 18, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We know that the relationship a daughter has with her dad is one of the most important relationships she will ever have, but many of us struggle to connect deeply as they mature. Help is on the way!  Dr. Michelle Canfield has decades of experience counseling young women and fathers.  She offers practical help for Dads in every age and stage learn to listen and engage in the battle for our daughters’ hearts!

What Makes a Great Dad?

June 17, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Dad's make an imprint on their children's hearts - no matter what they do. Chris describes the characteristics of a father who makes the best impact on his family!  He also prays for those who live with pain over their relationship with their dad or the loss of a child.

Biblical Views on the News

June 16, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris Brooks keeps a sharp eye on current events and Dr. Jim Denison is an astute culture watcher. Today they discuss leadership changes and recent resolutions on race at the SBC annual Convention. They also encouraged and equipped listeners to navigate Gay Pride month pressures on employees and parents with Biblical wisdom and love.

Choosing Greatness

June 15, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Why do some teens thrive as adults while others struggle? What makes the difference?  Could it be as simple as finding a wise friend and following their lead? Chris Brooks will introduce you to a man who not only turned his life around but is passing the secrets of his success along to others.  Is a young man you know struggling in life?  Don’t miss the wisdom of Clarence Shuler on this edition of Equipped.

Your Time is Now!

June 14, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Are you eagerly living life with God’s purpose in view or are you stuck on the couch, spiritually speaking? Pastor and spoken word artist Jonathan Evans was living life on autopilot until one day he realized God had something just for him to do.  Jonathan will share the exciting truth that no matter what season you are in or what challenges you face, God can and will use you for His purpose!

Churches Where Goodness Grows

June 11, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

It’s tragic but we are beginning to take for granted that abuse happens in churches & Christian organizations.  How do we keep these devastating events from repeating themselves?  Scot McKnight introduces us to a little Hebrew word that can show us the way to create places of safety and healing where goodness flourishes. 

Healing from Church Hurt

June 10, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Today we are talking about Church hurt. How do we navigate the painful experience of disappointment and pain from those inside the Body of Christ? I will take your calls and discuss why it happens, why it's so hard to heal from this hurt, and how we can find the healing we need Help in Overcoming Church Hurt article.

You’re Never Too Old to Run Well

June 09, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Men, God has a race marked out for each of us in life.  From the first steps to the last lap, we are called to run with endurance and finish well.  Since we only die once, we had better pay attention to how we live!  Author and speaker Robert Wolgemuth helps us keep up the pace to the glory of God, no matter how close we are to the finish line!

The Soul of a Hero

June 08, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Men, are you feeling stuck in life or in your walk with God? Dr. Stephen Arterburn says that many of the issues we struggle with will be resolved when we find the identity and purpose we were created for! If you thought your best years are behind you, think again! Join us to find your second wind and live every moment to its fullest! 

What if Jesus was Serious…about Prayer?

June 07, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What happens when you pray? For many of us, praying has become more like a two-way transaction with a heavenly vending machine than a warm encounter with our heavenly Father.  If you long to get more than answers when you go to prayer, listen as Skye Jethani helps us learn to pursue God through a praying life, just like Jesus did.

Overflow: From Him, to Us, for All

June 04, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The world needs generous people but what does it mean to live generously? Is it all about our finances or could it involve even more? Coming up on Equipped, Chris delves into 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 for a vivid picture of generosity in action in the early Church. Discover the motivation to live an overflowing life and the profound pathway to joy such a lifestyle creates!

Rare Leadership in the Workplace

June 02, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We all know what how good leader operates because they live with their relational circuits turned on!  Do you realize that, no matter what you do in life, someone is following you?  It could be a younger employee, a friend, and especially your children! Marcus Warner joins guest-host Collin Lambert to take your questions about becoming that rare, relational leader that everyone needs and wants to follow! 

God of the Impossible

June 01, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Have you been praying for a loved one to come to Christ and wonder if God will ever answer?  Just wait until you hear the lengths God has gone to reach the lost! Listen for amazing first-hand accounts of God’s saving grace flourishing in the hardest areas of the Muslim world.  Our God does the impossible!

Grace-Based Parenting

May 31, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Whether you come from a healthy family or a background of brokenness, you probably want to change some things as you raise your own kids. Maybe you are trying to find the balance between fear and permissiveness and just want to get it right.  Bring your parenting questions, as Dr. Tim Kimmel teaches us to raise our families with GRACE - just like God, the perfect parent, does with us! 

Women Thriving in the Church

May 28, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Most women who follow Christ long for meaningful relationships with others and a place to serve and grow.  What does it look like for women to fully engage in Christianity in the context of a local church?  Pastor’s wife Keri Folmar joins Chris Brooks to help women understand and experience the love of God in and through a local body of believers.  Discover the fullness of God’s grace within the Biblical community!

Has God Failed You?

May 27, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Almost everyone has had doubts about God or Christianity. What is the greatest challenge to your faith?  Maybe life got hard and you wondered if God was there, or you were deeply hurt by people you trusted and God didn’t seem to hear your prayers.  Dr. Michael Brown takes your honest questions about Christianity, especially the ones you may be afraid to ask anyone else.  Discover the road back to a life-transforming relationship with the living God!

The Sacrifice of Motherhood

May 26, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Very few people talk about the physical, emotional, and spiritual demands of motherhood. What is a mother to do when she reaches the end of herself?  We hear from a woman who became a parent with no idea about the challenges she would face. Liz Wann is brutally honest and gloriously hopeful as she encourages mothers everywhere to find God’s supply right within her own weakness. 

Ministers of Reconciliation

May 25, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The ultimate goal of all of our discussions on race should be Biblical unity, but as one well-known pastor has said, “It’s easy to say we want to pursue multi-ethnic unity, but it is uncomfortable and difficult work.”  Now there is a guidebook to help us speak boldly about these issues from a Biblical framework!  Dan Darling and Chris Brooks take your questions as they guide us into healing discussions and proactive reconciliation.

The Wisdom Pyramid

May 24, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Where do we go for wise information? Many people will say social media or the internet but what is the true source of wisdom and how do we access it?  Brett McCracken joins Chris Brooks to walk us through a healthy diet of biblical wisdom from some surprising sources! Learn to become discerning about how you consume information to develop a heart of wisdom!

Becoming the Pro-Life Generation

May 21, 2021 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Did you know that 1 in 5 female students in the US are pregnant or parenting?  How can we turn the tide on unplanned pregnancies and abortion while still helping these vulnerable young women? Students for Life is leading the way as the Pro-life generation! Catch a vision for your role in helping these remarkable pro-life students who are changing hearts and minds in their schools and universities!


Angels & Demons
1 Episode