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Equipped with Chris Brooks

706 episodes - English - Latest episode: 13 days ago - ★★★★★ - 154 ratings

Equipped with Chris Brooks encourages you to grow spiritually, think critically, and live compassionately in your community. Interact with Chris as he empowers you to live out the gospel in a rapidly changing culture. This live, one-hour program, airing weekdays at noon CT, features special guests and welcomes your participation by callling in and by plugging in through social media.

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My Yes is on the Table

April 26, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What would life look like if you went all-in with God?  He is calling each of us.  What is holding you back?  The risk? The unknown future? Reluctance to give up personal comforts?  Author Jennifer Hand will help you put your "yes" on the table, and watch God do more in and through your life than you can ever imagine. Step into the thrilling walk of faith with this God who is all-in for you!

The Life We’re Looking For

April 25, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Are you feeling lost in a hi-tech world? Humans long to be seen, known, and loved but we have lost the personal touch in our technological advances.  How can we find our way back to true community? What are you doing to connect with others?  Does your technology help or hurt?  Author Andy Crouch helps us reclaim relationships in a technological world!

Essential Conversations on Current Events

April 21, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The goal of Equipped with Chris Brooks is to help us speak and live as Jesus would in today’s world.  Chris helps us engage in critical, Biblical thinking and apply the truth we learn to walk out our faith.  The phone lines will be open and Chris looks forward to hearing from you. Join the discussion about current events in a Christian context today!

Instilling a Biblical Worldview in Children

April 20, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The world and its values are creeping into our children’s lives at younger and younger ages.  How can parents instill a Biblical worldview into the minds and hearts of our elementary-age kids? Teacher and Christian apologist, Elizabeth Urbanowicz shares wisdom and tools to start the next generation on the road to critical thinking and life-long discipleship with Jesus! 

We Go On!

April 19, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

How do you move on after a life-altering event, like the sudden loss of someone you love or an unexpected illness?  Where do you turn for help?  Join Chris for a very candid conversation with Pastor John O about his journey out of the darkness of tragedy. His answers won’t be easy but they will lead to fresh hope and renewed purpose!

What Now? Part 1

April 18, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

As we look at world events, it’s easy to wonder what will happen next and how we’ll navigate these uncertain times; but Chris Brooks wants to encourage you to let your tomorrows shape your todays.  Listen as Chris examines what Jesus said about the future and how his teaching should define our attitudes and activities here and now! 

The Characters of Easter

April 15, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Join Chris Brooks for a historical tour with the most unlikely people who witnessed history’s greatest event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Renew your wonder over the empty tomb as Dan Darling leads us back to first-century Palestine to experience Jesus’ death and resurrection through the eyes of the villains, heroes, cowards, and crooks who saw it first-hand!

Men and Women in Christ

April 14, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We tackle an important question for our culture and our churches: What does the Bible teach about how men and women should relate to each other?  Author and teacher Elyse Fitzpatrick joins Chris to unwrap a Gospel-shaped perspective on the value of men and women while honoring our unique distinctives.  Learn how we can serve together as allies in the mission of God!

Life on Mission: Next-Gen Roundtable

April 13, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What is hot on the hearts of the next generation of Christian leaders?  What do they care about and how do they see the world?  You are invited to listen in to a special roundtable discussion as Chris Brooks talks with a group of Next-Gen young adults about their ambitions for life, how they plan to get there, and much more!

Headlines, News & Christian Views

April 12, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

National and international news stories often brings opportunities for Biblical conversations and that is no less true today!  Dr. Jim Denison is a pastor and culture watcher who has the pulse of current events and theological truth.  He joins Chris to discuss several news stories from a redemptive perspective bringing the hope of the Gospel to all of life!

The Real Cost of Social Media

April 11, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

In today’s culture, it’s almost impossible to get away from social media.  Have you ever stopped to wonder how much these platforms influence how we think and live? Chris Martin has spent years in the social media industry.  He addresses key ways to corral the power of social media and live as mature Christians in an internet age.

The Secret to Joy

April 07, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

How’s your joy factor?  What happens when the pain of life threatens to overwhelm you?  Are you able to find a sense of joy even then? Author and speaker Lydia Brownback shares wisdom from the Apostle Paul and his secret to finding contentment even during our most difficult times! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is TODAY, April 7, right after the program!  REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. 

God’s UnCommon Grace

April 06, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

When tragedy strikes, we wonder:  “Where is God?  If He exists, then why doesn’t He show Himself?” Apologist and author Tim Muehlhoff will unpack the doctrine of God's common grace, first from the Scripture and then from real-life stories. How have you seen God at work in your life? Discover how God cares for our troubled world today on Equipped!  EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is TOMORROW, April 7!  REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Becom...

Taking Your Faith to Work

April 05, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What does life look like when you let your Christian faith influence your job?  How would that affect you privately and publicly?  Chris will share the story of North Carolina Tar Heels head coach, Hubert Davis, who boldly lets his relationship with Jesus shine in his workplace. How can we do the same? Chris will walk us through the steps and take your questions and comments, too!   EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is THIS Thursday, April 7!  REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  N...

A Big Wide Welcome & God For Us!

April 01, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Chris Brooks talks with children’s author and Bible teacher Trillia Newbell. She will help children learn to welcome all sorts of people and she’ll remind all of us that God is FOR us!  EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is next Thursday, April 7!  REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Become an Equipper Today

Just Ask!

March 31, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Is your prayer life a source of strength and joy or do you struggle?  Pastor J.D. Greear wants you to tap into the same source of power that fueled the ministry of Jesus!  He will take your questions and guide us into prayerful practices that are grounded in sound theology but simple enough for a child to do. EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is next Thursday, April 7!  REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Become an Equipper Today

Do You Believe?

March 30, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The things we believe directly influence how we live but what happens when what we SAY we believe is not how we LIVE?  Guest host Ed Stetzer will take on that question with pastor and author Dr. Paul Tripp. Together they will unpack 12 core doctrines of the Christian faith and the ways they engage and transform the human heart and mind. Fall more in love with Jesus and learn to live authentically as His disciple. EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ...


March 29, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What do you want most out of life?  What if you don’t get it?  Can you still trust in a God who allows disappointment and suffering?  Guest host Ed Stetzer talks with best-selling author Ann Voskamp about the new way of living she learned while walking through life-shattering storms.  For everyone who has faced their own impossible situations, discover a powerfully transformative way to a meaningful life and renewed hope! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION...

Fractured Faith!

March 28, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What do you do when the faith you once held crumbles in the face of doubt, abuse, rejection, or injustice, even within the church?  Bible teacher Lina Abujamra gets it. She walked that road and it nearly deconstructed her Christianity.  Bring your questions as Lina shares her story and helps you find your way back to God even in the midst of your pain.  EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and want to attend?...

Serving Jews in Jesus Name

March 25, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Courageous Christians are stepping up to address the physical and spiritual needs of Ukrainians, including a large population of Jews. David Brickner will give us a first-hand account of the many ways Christ-followers are acting as the hands and feet of Jesus in these war-ravaged Jewish communities. Find out what can you do to help! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and want to attend?   Become an Equipper...

Triumph over Persecution

March 24, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We know that Christians around the world are facing death for their faith in Jesus.  How do they stand strong? Today we will hear stories about persecuted believers around the world. Then Mariam Ibraheem, a courageous Sudanese Christian mother who was imprisoned for her faith and sentenced to death, inspires our faith through her testimony of freedom and forgiveness.  EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and ...

Pain, Evil, Justice and Hope

March 23, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The suffering we experience and see around us can be overwhelming to the soul but do pain and evil disprove the existence of God or do they confirm the heart of the Gospel and point to the cross of Christ? Join Chris Brooks as he talks with author and apologist Abdu Murray about how the Christian worldview redeems pain and points to justice and hope! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and want to attend?   ...

Pain, Evil, Justice and Hope

March 22, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Many of us want to heal the racial divides in our nation and just need some objective ways to begin.  Chris Brooks talks with Pastor Derwin Gray who will provide a deep dive into biblical racial reconciliation that is void of critical race theory but is realistic and relational. EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and want to attend?   Become an Equipper Today

The Dad Difference

March 18, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Fathers may be the most important people in the world but how do you become a great dad, especially if you did not have a good example to follow?  You find other men to follow! Pastor Bryan Loritts relates stories from his father and other great dads so we can all learn to give our children what they need. Bring your questions about becoming a dad who makes a difference to this edition of Equipped! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-M...

God's People on His Mission

March 17, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

God is relentlessly reclaiming the entire world for himself so how can His people join Him in this work? The Church should be on mission for God but what does that look like in the real world?  Bible scholar Dr. Chris Wright will expand our vision with answers to these crucial questions.  Learn your role in God’s work in the world through this edition of Equipped! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. Not an Equipper and want...

Relational Unity in Tough Times

March 16, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Hurt is rampant in our society, as recent protests have shown.  How can Christians be a catalyst for reconciliation?  Chris talks with community organizer and pastor, Henry McClendon Jr. about what relational unity looks like in communities torn by violence.  Can the police and pain-filled citizens really get along? It's a hope-filled message for our times - on this edition of Equipped! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX. N...

Teens, Suicide & Hope

March 15, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Suicide rates for those ages 10 to 24 have more than doubled from 2007 to 2017, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control. It is the leading cause of death for that age bracket.  What leads to these tragedies and how can parents be vigilant for their own children’s mental health?  Clinical psychologist Dr. Deb Gorton joins Chris to examine these questions and offer insight and hope for those who struggle and those who are left behind.  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline...

Be Happy!

March 14, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Happiness is something everyone wants but no one seems to attain! Our culture defines happiness by what we hang in our closet, park in our garage, and deposit in our bank account, but that’s wrong! Listen as Pastor Max Lucado reveals the secret held by the happiest people on earth and how you can find enduring joy that always delivers! EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Become an Equip...

Processing Grief Redemptively

March 11, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Losses come to every life and it can be hard to make sense of these heart-wrenching times. How do Christians handle death? Where do we begin on that difficult journey and what can we expect along the way?  Author, professor and compassionate fellow traveler, Dr. Jerry Sittser will offer Biblical wisdom and comfort for grieving hearts. EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Become an Equipp...

Discerning the Times

March 10, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Many people are wondering where we are in the timeline of Biblical prophecy. Christians and non-Christians are asking Are we in the End Times? Does the Bible mention Russia at all?  How do current events figure into God’s plan for the world?  New Testament scholar Darrell Bock answers these questions and more today. EQUIPPERS - Our next ZOOM MEETING is Thursday, April 7!    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARE IN YOUR E-MAIL INBOX.  Not an Equipper and want to attend?  Become an Equipper Today  

Questioning God

March 09, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Many of us have had honest questions about the Christian faith, and some of them may prevent us from moving closer to God. How we answer those questions makes all the difference!  John Hopper has wrestled with many common concerns about life and God and the Bible. He says “If Christianity involves anything worth believing, it ought to make sense first.” John addresses these crucial questions today so we can confidently take our next steps with Jesus!

The Power of Faithfulness

March 08, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What makes any life extraordinary?  Is it fame? Heroic acts? Or could it be something much closer to home?  Chris Brooks will explore those questions with Pastor Jeff Manion. Discover the one quality that leads to an outstanding life and a new kind of hero! 

Authentic Evangelism

March 07, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What are some of the best ways to draw people to Jesus?  Coming up on Equipped, guest host Ed Stetzer will tackle that question with evangelist Kevin Palau.  Who are you longing to see come to Christ?  How have you been able to engage in spiritual conversations with friends, family, and neighbors?  Bring your questions as Ed and Kevin help us engage in honest, authentic conversations about Jesus!

Embracing our Limitations

March 04, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

If you are in business or considering entrepreneurship, you can be a powerful influence for God’s plan and purposes on the job!  Success and limitations don’t often go together but in God’s business model they do! Chris Brooks will help you find new ways to live out your faith on the job by embracing the blessing of limitations!  UKRAINE: Prayer Guides and Resources

Rest and War

March 03, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Do you feel like you are in a daily struggle to live out God’s will for your life?  Maybe you need the survival skills to keep you fueled and moving forward! Pastor Ben Stuart brings practical steps toward greater intimacy with Jesus so you can find rest for your soul and victory in your personal battles every day! UKRAINE: Prayer Guides and Resources

A Literary Understanding of the Bible

March 02, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

The Bible is the most read book of all time.  It was written over thousands of years, by many different authors, using a variety of literary styles to reveal God’s wonderful plan to save the world! Bible teacher Kristi Anyabwile will help us explore this amazing book, bringing it alive and transforming your Bible study! UKRAINE: Prayer Guides and Resources

Enough is Enough!

February 28, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Marriage should be a safe place but, sadly, that’s not always the case. Chris Brooks talks honestly about the pain of abuse with psychologist Dr. David Clarke.  He brings practical, Biblical wisdom for finding your way to safety and discerning God’s plan for your future. If abuse is part of your marriage, don’t miss this crucial conversation! UKRAINE: Prayer Guides and Resources  

How's Your Heart?

February 25, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

How long has it been since you have taken a good look at your heart?  Jesus describes four different kinds of hearts in Luke chapter 4.   While the story may be familiar, Chris Brooks invites you to take a fresh assessment of your own life. Jesus describes four different kinds of hearts in Luke 4. Which one are you?  Join Chris in the exam room with Jesus where he can create a heart in you that thrives on God's Word.

Beyond Racial Division

February 24, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

As we seek to heal the racial divides in our nation, we need to start where every broken relationship begins to heal, by listening carefully to discover real needs.  Sweeping solutions simply cover over the problem.  Coming up on Equipped, sociologist George Yancey joins Chris Brooks with an alternative to colorblindness and antiracism where we all seek the common good so everyone can thrive!

The Bible: Not What You Think!

February 22, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Many people view the Bible with suspicion and even hostility but how well do they know the Bible? Michael McAfee, of the Museum of the Bible, takes on common concerns and doubts about the Bible and raises a few questions of his own. He will peel back misconceptions and pre-judgments and invite you to look at the whole of Scripture. See for yourself how the Bible stands up to scrutiny!

Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition

February 21, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

There is nothing like great preaching, but how do you identify a biblical sermon?  As we continue our celebration of African-American History month here on Equipped, we will consider the legacy and uniqueness of expository preaching in the African-American style. No matter what your church tradition may be, we promise you that you will learn to listen in new ways to the messages in church!

Unshakeable Hope Pt. 5

February 18, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Whether we face illness, relational challenges, or financial difficulties, life is tough! When our world is at its worst, we need a firm place to anchor our hope. It's found in God’s Word! Today Chris concludes his messages from First Peter where we can discover the power of unshakeable hope! 

Unshakeable Hope Pt. 4

February 17, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We all face tough times in life. From illness to relational challenges and financial difficulties, we need a firm place to anchor our hope!  God’s Word helps us be at our best when life is at its worst.  Listen as Chris brings the powerful reminder from First Peter that God is at work and He is always with you!  

Kingdom Race Theology

February 16, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Our God is a God of reconciliation, first to Himself and then to each other.  How can we be agents of reconciliation in a racially divided world?  Respected pastor and author Dr. Tony Evans will answer that question as he brings a clear Biblical theology on ethnicity and a clarion call for oneness in our churches and nation. 

Loving the World as God Does

February 15, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Join Chris Brooks as he reviews world events from a Biblical point of view and challenges us to faith-filled living! We will start in Ukraine and move out from there.  How can we encourage and support our brothers and sisters living under the threat of war and how do we engage with God’s heart for the lost across the globe?  Discover your role in God's global plan!

Complement: Choosing Together

February 14, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We know that marriage often gets a bad rap but bestselling authors Jamie and Aaron Ivey want to change that stereotype!  They believe marriage can be fun, adventurous, and genuinely loving. Married for 20 years, Jamie and Aaron boldly discuss the tough issues that make for a healthy marriage that pleases Jesus and blesses others!

When Faith is Forbidden

February 10, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

We are right in the middle of the Winter Olympics in Beijing China and Chris Brooks goes behind the games with Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs for some vital prayer needs. Be prepared to have your heart inspired and your faith strengthened by the stories Todd will share about those living where faith is forbidden!

Pursuing Your Calling through Life

February 09, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

God has a purpose for each of our lives and He calls us to specific places and ministries. If you watch Christians who have walked with God for many years, you will notice that the application of their calling adapts to each season of life.  Today on Equipped, Chris Brooks will examine these seasons of calling and talk with a special couple who models how to finish strong while their calling stands firm!

How Sex is Rewiring Your Brain

February 08, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

What does a 3-pound brain have to do with sex?  More than you might think!  Respected physician, Dr. Joe McIlhaney says the physical and psychological ramifications of sex are truly mind-bending! He will share the research on amazing ways our minds respond to sex inside and outside marriage. Invite your teens and young adults to listen in on this crucial conversation!

Walk On

February 03, 2022 12:03 - 60 Bytes

Have you ever wanted to throw a penalty flag on God because He seemed to make the wrong calls in your life? Ben Malcolmson was sure God made a mistake when he walked on to the USC Trojans football team. Fearing failure and filled with self-doubt, Ben learn to walk faithfully and discover God’s incredible game plan for his life!  Catch his inspiring story here!   


Angels & Demons
1 Episode