Kathy had an award-winning celebrity reach out to her on Instagram that was really struggling with a situation on the TV show she was a part of at the time. 

Kathy & I were able to provide some encouragement & insights to her when she was really struggling. 

It was a blessing that both Kathy & I are actively & daily working on ourselves so that we could really provide some relevant & timely thoughts & encouragement for the celebrity. 

Some thoughts / questions to consider: 

Everyone has a story. How can you discover someone else’s story?

How are you actively & daily growing & working on yourself - both personally & professionally? 

What are some growth hacks you recommend to others? 

How can you be more intentional at growing yourself? 


If you’re ready to take your emotional growth to the next level, join the EQ Mafia at https://www.eqgangster.com/.


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