Money, accommodation, and online education while traveling. These are the three of the main challenges many traveling families face. In today's episode, we address two of them: AirBnB tips and online education while traveling.    Taking online classes while traveling is one way to approach education on the road. That's what Alrica Goldstein's kids to. Her insight and AirBnB tips here.   AirBnB Tips and Online Education While Traveling Education is important to Erich and Alrica Goldstein. However, they knew that travel should be a part of the kids' development as well.   So what did they do? They sold their stuff, changed their mailing address to Erich's parents' house, and set out into the world. That was over 16 months ago now. Since then, they've been to over a dozen countries.   Every traveling family approaches education in their own way. Some practice homeschooling. Others craft their own versions of unschooling or worldschooling. Some families put their kids in local schools like we did. Other families skip conventional education altogether — especially if their kids are very young or the travel is only for a specific amount of time.   Online Education While Traveling For the Goldsteins, they've chosen online education while traveling. In fact, taking online classes while overseas is more common that you may think. There are lots of sites and apps providing online classes for kids. Many previous guests have mentioned the most popular ones such as Khan Academy and Time4Learning. Language learning apps like Duolingo get a lot of recommendations, too.   Alrica's kids take full advantage of school online while traveling. They take a number of gifted online classes for subjects like chemistry and physics. In the interview, Alrica talks about some of their online learning resources. If you're interested in online education while traveling, listen in and take notes. AirBnB Tips We also discuss some of the challenges of apartment rentals and discuss AirBnB tips that you can use in a number of situations. That most important AirBnB tip? Ask your host a lot of questions before you book, and then confirm everything when you arrive.   Is fast internet a priority? It is for me, and for Alrica, too. That's why we both check the internet speed as soon as we arrive. This is possibly the most important AirBnB tip for people who work online. Don't unpack, and don't say goodbye to your host until you've checked the internet speed. Listen in, and please share! If you're interested in family travel accommodation, gap year travel, AirBnB tips, and online education while traveling, then this is your show. We also discuss travel gear and the Goldstein's favorite destinations. IN THIS EPISODE 01:47 Intro 05:07 Taking a trial trip 07:53 The sweet spot 10:20 Family Travel is a choice 16:41 Apps & websites 21:58 language per country 24:49 Internet & Tips for using AirBnB 32:49 Work & Money 34:32 Online Education While Traveling 42:55  Travel Gear & packing 46:26 The Macgyver method VS Boy Scout method 48:23 Destinations ABOUT Names: Alrica Goldstein, her husband, Erich, son Carver (12) and daughter Syarra (10) Hold passports from: USA Type of travel: Long-term travel — 18 months & counting A few places they've been: Malaysia, South Africa, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Namibia, India, Morocco, Iceland and more. IN THEIR BAGS 2 Backpacks: Teton Sports Explorer 4000 and Teton Scout 3400 Mixing bowls Travelwise Packing cubes 2 laptops: 1 MacBook Air and 1 Dell XPS9343 One iPad Mini 2, one iPad Air 2 — both with Moko Cases Kindle Fire HD 6 smart phones: Samsung Duos, Moto G (4th Generation) LINKS & RESOURCES Uber & Grab for taxis Wifi Map Free Starwalk app AirBnB Trusted House Sitters Mango Language Learning Stack the Countries Internet speed test by Ookla Athena's Academy G3 Gifted Ed X CK 12 Khan Academy Duolingo FIND THEM ON


Money, accommodation, and online education while traveling. These are the three of the main challenges many traveling families face. In today's episode, we address two of them: AirBnB tips and online education while traveling.    Taking online classes while traveling is one way to approach education on the road. That's what Alrica Goldstein's kids to. Her insight and AirBnB tips here.   AirBnB Tips and Online Education While Traveling Education is important to Erich and Alrica Goldstein. However, they knew that travel should be a part of the kids' development as well.   So what did they do? They sold their stuff, changed their mailing address to Erich's parents' house, and set out into the world. That was over 16 months ago now. Since then, they've been to over a dozen countries.   Every traveling family approaches education in their own way. Some practice homeschooling. Others craft their own versions of unschooling or worldschooling. Some families put their kids in local schools like we did. Other families skip conventional education altogether — especially if their kids are very young or the travel is only for a specific amount of time.   Online Education While Traveling For the Goldsteins, they've chosen online education while traveling. In fact, taking online classes while overseas is more common that you may think. There are lots of sites and apps providing online classes for kids. Many previous guests have mentioned the most popular ones such as Khan Academy and Time4Learning. Language learning apps like Duolingo get a lot of recommendations, too.   Alrica's kids take full advantage of school online while traveling. They take a number of gifted online classes for subjects like chemistry and physics. In the interview, Alrica talks about some of their online learning resources. If you're interested in online education while traveling, listen in and take notes. AirBnB Tips We also discuss some of the challenges of apartment rentals and discuss AirBnB tips that you can use in a number of situations. That most important AirBnB tip? Ask your host a lot of questions before you book, and then confirm everything when you arrive.   Is fast internet a priority? It is for me, and for Alrica, too. That's why we both check the internet speed as soon as we arrive. This is possibly the most important AirBnB tip for people who work online. Don't unpack, and don't say goodbye to your host until you've checked the internet speed. Listen in, and please share! If you're interested in family travel accommodation, gap year travel, AirBnB tips, and online education while traveling, then this is your show. We also discuss travel gear and the Goldstein's favorite destinations. IN THIS EPISODE 01:47 Intro 05:07 Taking a trial trip 07:53 The sweet spot 10:20 Family Travel is a choice 16:41 Apps & websites 21:58 language per country 24:49 Internet & Tips for using AirBnB 32:49 Work & Money 34:32 Online Education While Traveling 42:55  Travel Gear & packing 46:26 The Macgyver method VS Boy Scout method 48:23 Destinations ABOUT Names: Alrica Goldstein, her husband, Erich, son Carver (12) and daughter Syarra (10) Hold passports from: USA Type of travel: Long-term travel — 18 months & counting A few places they've been: Malaysia, South Africa, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Namibia, India, Morocco, Iceland and more. IN THEIR BAGS 2 Backpacks: Teton Sports Explorer 4000 and Teton Scout 3400 Mixing bowls Travelwise Packing cubes 2 laptops: 1 MacBook Air and 1 Dell XPS9343 One iPad Mini 2, one iPad Air 2 — both with Moko Cases Kindle Fire HD 6 smart phones: Samsung Duos, Moto G (4th Generation) LINKS & RESOURCES Uber & Grab for taxis Wifi Map Free Starwalk app AirBnB Trusted House Sitters Mango Language Learning Stack the Countries Internet speed test by Ookla Athena's Academy G3 Gifted Ed X CK 12 Khan Academy Duolingo FIND THEM ON
