Moving to the UK. Moving to Australia. Driving across South America with kids. For most parents, adventures like these might seem impossible...or at least daunting. Cath and Gaetan Dalle, however, aren't most parents.

Moving to Australia

The Dalle family had led an extraordinary life. Before children, Cath and Gaetan left their native France to live in the UK. They stayed for eleven years, exploring much of Europe in the process.

Then they moved to Australia, where they stayed for over six years. Through the years, the family grew. By the time they left to drive across South America with kids, they were a family of six. They've now been driving their RV in South America for nearly two years, and still thrilled with what they're seeing and doing.


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Alaska to South America with Kids

In this Epic Education Interview, I talk with Cath and Gaetan about their adventures. We discuss the advantages of traveling with children, and the role of cultural identity in their lives. Like me, they are raising third-culture kids: children who are being raised away from the home cultures of their parents. Gaetan still feels the pull of his French identity in ways that his wife does not, and they detail their positions here.

The Dalle family practices attachment parenting — something they feel is not accepted or understood in France. "In France, children are to be seen and not heard," says Cath. That is, however, not how they feel about parenting. She explains further in the interview.

The Dalle family lead a simple life, they explain. This idea of simplicity seeps into their views of education, work and money as well. How do they afford such a life? How do they educate while driving around South America with kids?

Speaking from a campground in Peru, Cath and Gaetan give us a glimpse into their life on the road. If you're interested in unschooling, funding family travel, overland travel, and traveling in South America with kids, listen in.

IN THIS EPISODE 01:37 Intro 03:25 Moving to the UK, & moving to Australia 06:16 Advantages of driving across South America with kids 09:16 Travel, Language, Living Abroad and Cultural identity 13:07 How they have changed 16:37 Work, budgeting, and Money 23:05 Their approach to education while traveling in South America with kids 29:41 Challenges to unschooling 32:03 Resources 44:21 Their view of screens 46:36 Their gear and travel equipment 52:29 Destinations to visit in South America with kids ABOUT Names: Cath and Gaetan Dalle, along with their four children, now 13, 11, 8, and 5 Hold passports from: France & Australia Type of travel: Living abroad &  RV travel in South America with kids A few places they've been: Lived in Australia and the UK. Now traveling overland in Latin America IN THEIR BAGS Tents & Sleeping bags from Decathlon Tool Box Kite Surf equipment  6 Bicycles LINKS & RESOURCES Literacy Planet News-o-Matic Overdrive for library eBooks & audiobooks Wattpad Gramatica Española app Spanish Dict Softerino Youtube Converter iOverlander App View Ranger Book: L’Histoire comme vous ne l’avez jamais vue  Book: Guns, Germs, and Steel Books by Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens & Homo Deus Bogota Graffitti Tour Duolingo Khan Academy Stack the Countries app


Cath's Facebook page | Cath's email: [email protected]