For today’s EnVibe Life Conversations podcast, Amy Parker and Cheryl Dunn are joined by Bob Doyle. Bob gained notoriety in the book and movie, The Secret, as a teacher and practitioner of the Law of Attraction. Bob’s current teachings are based on the scientific principles of neuroplasticity. He discusses the Law of Attraction, neuroplasticity, and re-wiring the brain, and how we can use these principles to affect change and bring about our desires in life.

In this episode:

01:27 – The Secret and The Law of Attraction.
07:41 – The importance of taking action and behavioral change in enacting the Law of Attraction and achieving your desires.
11:37 – What is neuroplasticity? The importance of rewiring your brain.
19:16 – Where do people start?
20:00 – Bob’s free Transformation Personality Type Quiz
26:00 – Creating new patterns of behavior.
27:23 – It’s okay to have desires.
29:40 – We can have many different purposes and desires.
30:00 – The importance of joy in our life experience.
34:36 – Bob talks about the importance of receiving outside support to help with the rewiring process.


To learn more about Bob Doyle and his work, visit