For today’s EnVibe Life Conversations podcast, Amy Parker and Cheryl Dunn discuss the importance of having boundaries with yourself, your schedule, and your family.  They share stories of the joy it brings when you’re doing the things that you want to do and the many benefits of having self-boundaries.

In This Episode:

01:10 – Amy and Cheryl share how they slowed down during the holidays and how they benefitted from doing so.
03:00 – It’s okay not to do something and to say, “no,” sometimes.
03:25 – The “addiction” to being busy and feeling guilty about not getting things done.
04:45 – Feeling self-worth from a busy schedule.
08:13 – Why do we have such a hard time saying, “no”? FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
08:50 – The importance of having fun.
13:04 –Setting boundaries in your relationships.
17:18 – Spousal boundaries.
21:35 – Having healthy boundaries in parenting.