In response to the life-altering and unpopular decision by the United States Supreme Court, we are sharing the following resources with you, whether you are in need of reproductive support, or you want to amplify or financially support reproductive rights:

Planned Parenthood

Sister Song

Shout Your Abortion

Center for Reproductive Rights

Keep Our Clinics

Abortion Funds in support of local care

Abortion Pills - Women on Web Aid Access

More resources/what you can do now: The Guardian Article How to support abortion access in a post-Roe America

On to the episode:

I have to say the episode title is apropos: “Treating Yourself as a Luxury Brand" with Jaylissa Lea, of Modern Luxury Lounge, a branding and PR strategist for high level entrepreneurs, CEOs and executives. 

Jaylissa shares her best tips on how to treat yourself like a luxury brand, by building upon the following pillars:

Educating women about investing and NFT
Personal branding
Modern Luxury
Making social media intentional 
Turning every post into a mini-blog

Jaylissa shared that through navigating severe depression and anxiety, with professional help and support, she came to realize how important it is to take excellent care of ourselves. As she said, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

You won’t want to miss when talks about experiential luxury, particularly with respect to time, connections relationships and experiences. 

Her tips are simple but so important:

Treat yourself like a luxury brand
Stay unbothered and recapture your time
Discipline gives freedom
Stay as far away from comparison culture as you can
Set goals, but not expectations
Celebrate your accomplishments

I enjoyed this conversation with Jaylissa so much that I didn’t want it to end. I think you will too. 


Jaylissa Lea is the Founder/CEO of Modern Luxury Lounge, a personal branding/PR company for high level entrepreneurs wanting to create an impactful brand supported by features in publications like Forbes and Business Insider. Now also an NFT ambassador promoting industry leading projects and focusing on diversifying the community by bringing more women into Web 3. 

Find Jaylissa:

IG, Twitter, tiktok: @jaylissalea


Podcast: Modern Luxury Lounge

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