Today we're speaking with Boma René Boma, of White African Music, and Social Entrepreneur and Disability rights activist, particularly for persons with Albinism in Cameroon and across the African continent. 

Boma shares his journey as a person with Albinism, how he was drawn to educate through music, and how he became a consultant to the UN on Albinism in Africa to unite and fight for people with albinism and its associated disabilities.  

You won’t want to miss when he shares how you can support people with Albinism in Cameroon and throughout Africa by supporting sunscreen distribution. Links below.

Some of the statistics he shares about people living with Albinism are shocking, like this one: 80% of people with Albinism die before the age of 40 due to skin cancer. 

In Cameroon and much of Africa, they are still fighting to accommodate people living with disabilities in an education setting. Boma and White African Music are raising funds and raising awareness through music to sensitize teachers, provide sunglasses and corrective lenses to children in need, and provide sunscreen to persons living with Albinism. Sunscreen is very difficult to find and is prohibitively expensive for most people in Cameroon and across Africa. Boma and his team host annual distribution of free sunscreen in their “No Sunburn, No Cancer” initiative. Please see the links in the show notes to support this important initiative. 

There’s so much to love about this interview, and I sincerely hope you feel led to support Boma’s initiatives either by making a donation to their foundation, or by sharing far and wide. Anything you do to support this initiative will be appreciated and WILL make a difference. 

So, I invite you now to grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Boma and his amazing journey.

Find Boma:

☎️ 00237670878701

African Albinism Ambassadors

White African Music

CNN Feature

BBC Interview story_fbid=1559211574401107&id=1428928980762701

CRTV, DW Feature

Albinism and African Union’s Action on Albinism


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