Today I have the distinct pleasure of speaking with the brilliant and insightful Don Schmincke of Saga Leadership and Growth Alliance. 

Don comes from the world of Planetary Physics and BioMed research, so it makes total sense how he is now a leadership trainer, right? Well, once you listen, it’ll make so much sense to you. I’m not kidding when I say I’m geeking-out over the wisdom he drops about leadership styles, patterns over time, and just his general knowledge and understanding of human nature, and how to bring out the best in people.

Some of the key take-aways:

Bureaucracy is the preliminary to death of a company
Leadership style shift every 100 years - due to physics
Perfection stops progress
Aim for 70% completion before you launch. The military does this for very strategic reasons

So, let’s get to it and grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Don and his amazing journey.

Don’s Bio:
Don Schmincke is the author of the Best-Selling book The Code of Executive and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. He is an Award-Winning Speaker, Researcher, Founder of the SAGA Leadership Institute and delivered over 1,700 speeches.

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