Buddy Scalera is a very unique person. Not only does he have a passion for understanding content strategy in healthcare, but he also is a freelance comic book writer for Marvel! In the world of comic books, or graphic novels, the images shown help drive your imagination, internal narration, and lead you to define the story your way. As content marketers, we too can harness this power of story to drive not only textual content, but using visuals like photography, illustrations, and video to enhance the story.

In this show, Buddy shares some of the wealth of knowledge he has on the art of telling stories and gives us some great examples and ideas on how to get started. He drives home the idea of learning outside of the practice of marketing and adopting a "side hustle" to sell your ideas and creativity while testing concepts for marketing.

Near the end, Buddy shares one piece of advice we all can take away from, and I want to point out specifically: Stop talking at your customers and start listening to them.

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