In 1755, Samuel Johnson published an English dictionary that has gone down in history.

Not only was it the first of its kind, it was full of funny jokes.

Today we tell the story of this fantastic dictionary.

Full transcript, key vocabulary, and bonus episodes available on

In 1755, Samuel Johnson published an English dictionary that has gone down in history.

Not only was it the first of its kind, it was full of funny jokes.

Today we tell the story of this fantastic dictionary.

Dictionaries before 1755
Why Johnson's was so famous
Why was a dictionary needed?
Why was the English language a mess?
'Fixing' English
Johnson's dictionary: 40,000 words of fine scholarship
Hidden joke 1: the definition of 'oats'
Hidden joke 2: the definition of 'lexicographer'
Hidden joke 3: the definition of 'lunch'
Why writing a dictionary is so hard

Key vocabulary: Scholarship, Intriguing, Politically correct, Authoritative, Captured, The masses, Painting a picture, Linguistic, Reflecting on, Estimated, Mess, Literacy, Formal, All-encompassing, Collate, Unsatisfactory, Fast-forward, Scene was set, Stabilise, Anomalies, Peculiarities, Set things straight, Hang on, Exceptions, Convoluted, Messy, Organism, Gargantuan, Rivalry, Harmless, Busies, Tracing, Unpleasant, Unappreciated, Extensive, Buried, Highlighted, Adapt, From scratch, Evolving

Full transcript and key vocabulary available on the website

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