George Orwell, author of books like Animal Farm and 1984, is considered to be one of the finest writers in English.

Today, we discuss his six rules on how to write effectively.

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George Orwell, author of books like Animal Farm and 1984, is considered to be one of the finest writers in English.

Today, we discuss his six rules on how to write effectively.

Animal Farm & 1984
How language can be twisted by people with bad intentions
Rule 1: Similes & metaphors
Rule 2: Long vs. short words
Rule 3: When to avoid using words
Rule 4: Passive vs. Active
Rule 5: Foreign words
Rule 6: It's a surprise...

George Orwell, Politics and the English Language:

Key vocabulary: Rhetoric, Propaganda, Twisted, Advance, Set out, Bizarre, Concise, Articulate, Metaphor, Simile, In print, Penultimate, Jargon, Outright, Barbarous, Messy, Show off, Extensive, Evaluated, Merits, Rubbished, Implies, Forceful, Temptation, Recap, Starting from scratch, Smiling down on you

Full transcript and key vocabulary available on the website

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