In this episode, Dr. Bryant shares his personal journey transitioning from a 20-year civil engineering career into launching his own executive coaching and consulting business. He discusses the events leading him to start his company, how problem-solving skills translated to designing his business model, key leadership traits entrepreneurs need, and lessons learned on balancing his career shift.


[00:00 - 06:00] - From Civil Engineer to Entrepreneur

20+ years in engineering research and infrastructure committees Personal development sparked interest in executive coaching Allowed coaching practice to grow while still working Reached tipping point and had to leave job to focus elsewhere


[06:01 - 13:52] - Leveraging Problem-Solving Skills

Blueprint business model mirrors engineering problem-solving Analytical skills instrumental in strategic business building Overcame limiting belief I couldn't balance business and family


[13:53 - 18:43] - Cultivating Key Leadership Traits

Effective communication vital for clients and presentations Authenticity, curiosity and focus build connections Helps evolve from technician to multiplier leader


[18:44 - 21:23] - Strategic Career Shift

Had months of open conversations with spouse Laid financial runway before resigning Had new contracts lined up before last day of work


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Key Quote:

"Growth is on the other side of your comfort zone" - Dr. James Bryant