Danielle Dacunha-Howarth is the Owner and Director of Sales Enablement at Purplepatch where she applies her deep knowledge of Enablement and analytical approach to helping clients.

Danielle joined The Collaborator to discuss he approach and then deep diving into how it's applied in the area of onboarding.

Her approach should be reviewed and understood by anyone seeking to analyze and improve their go-to-market function. 

In addition, she shared a simple set of questions that we need to seek to understand as we plan our efforts for the teams we support.  Ask yourself, for each effort:

👉What do the teams NEED to know?
Map out what the individuals NEED to know/do to be successful and ensure that you are enabling them in this area.

👉What do the teams WANT to know?
Map out what the individuals will WANT to know as they learn and grow in their roles.  These will be met by on-demand content or training to be available when they WANT this information -- they don't NEED it dumped on them, they just need it available when they WANT it.

👉What do the teams LIKE to know?
The universe of additional information is vast.  Make it easy for them to find it when they have time to explore.  It's not essential to their jobs, but not everything we want to learn is.

Keep listening and remain curious.

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