Today’s guest is our dear friend and writer for the Lightward team, Rebekah Pahl. Rebekah typically writes these intros, but we’re taking over this week so she can get the Full Guest Treatment. We’ve known Rebekah for almost eight years now—our paths first crossed while we were living in California, and we’ve witnessed up close her artistic evolution as a songwriter, musician, and writer. We wrote our wedding vows to her song “Canyons” and have hosted a couple of her living room concerts over the years. This friendship just keeps on growing as she’s now a writer on our team—it’s as if the universe was like, “I’m very serious about your souls hanging out with each other in this life.” We’re having a lot of fun, and I (Isaac) personally feel lucky as hell to see a good friend explore and flex her ability, up close, and in so many ways.

Throughout this conversation we discuss forging a creative path with minimal reference points, existing in uncertainty, the dance between action and surrender, finding comfort in mystery when the world feels heavy, and what our souls came here to do. We really loved getting this window into Rebekah’s mind, and can’t wait to keep contemplating the mysteries of the universe over a glass of wine with her once it’s safe to do so.