Episode 36: For All My Fellow Mamas Out There, This One's For You!

Today’s episode is all about reclaiming your life and showing up in ways you are proud of for your kiddos and for yourself! 

As mom's, we sacrifice in every way imaginable for our kids, and that often includes sacrificing our energy. Energy is key in staying whole, in maintaining frustration tolerance, in showing up for our kids and ourselves in ways we are proud of. Imagine a life where you feel in control of your energy, where you can still sacrifice for your kids in ways that you love AND have the energy to be present with them. Sound too good to be true? I thought so too...until I discovered the secret sauce to understanding, respecting and harnessing my energy. Join me in learning about this secret sauce and how you can incorporate it into your life.

What we’re talking about...

The One World Empowered 28 Day Energetic Reset just for mamas!
The cold hard fact that moms are the super heroes of the world.
Separating suffering from sacrifice.
Becoming attuned with yourself as a mom and your own needs.
How your energy is your secret weapon for staying whole.
Harnessing and re-connecting to the unique and best version of ourselves each day.
Mental health
Stress Reduction
Polyvagal Theory
Generational Healing


28 Day Energetic Reset Click HERE

Ways to Reach Dena T:

[email protected]





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