Jacob Morgan is an author, speaker, and futurist who helps organizations across the world understand the future of work and its many implications.

Questions for Jacob:

Who are you and what do you do?
The Future Organization is your company, what’s the future like?
Tell us about your new book?
Employee experience - is this another buzzword?
What are we really talking about here?
What’s your take on employee engagement?
How is employee experience related to employer brand?
How to design for technology, culture, and physical spaces
What’s the ROI on employee experience?
The trends shaping employee experience
The role of the gig economy
What the world's leading organizations are doing around employee experience
What's the ROI on a good employee experience?
The future of employee experience
Where can people connect with you?

More about Jacob: http://thefutureorganization.com/

Learn more about The Social Employer Brand Index: https://linkhumans.com/sebi

Full episode show-notes will be available at: https://employerbrandingpodcast.com