LinkedIn has recently published an interesting piece of research about what goes on inside the minds of candidates. Very important stuff for anyone managing an employer brand.

I've had a chat with Jon Addison is the Head of Talent Solutions at LinkedIn UK to learn more about what candidates actually want.

Questions for Jon:

Tell us about this piece of research and its methodology
Why is it important to employer brand managers?
Do candidates want to hear from recruiters?
Surely they want to hear from the actual hiring manager?
How much information do candidates want in the first message?
How can you improve this candidate messaging?
How long do candidates spend gathering information before applying?
How can you attract more applicants to your website?
What role does social media play in the application stage?
How much research do candidates do before an interview?
How can you set candidates up for success?
How long should the optimal interview process be?
What are the golden rules for the interviewing process?
What do candidates want to know from the interviewer?
Are candidates interested in seeing culture in action?
How can we sweeten the whole experience?
How much can a bad interview cost you?
What’s the main reason people change jobs?
Why do professionals stay with their companies?
What are your tips for building employer brand awareness?

Read Jon's article:

Get the report:

Full show-notes at