There are times when we may be living with so much stress that we unconsciously put ourselves aside and instead give priority to other people and situations around us, when in reality the first thing we must do is take care of our own needs before taking care and supporting others.

The act of losing interest in ourselves happens many times and sometimes, it is difficult for people to realize it, however, there are simple actions that we do that may be indicators of self-neglect, such as, never denying someone or postponing our plans to go and fulfill those of others because you simply have the belief of “if I tell them that I can’t help them, they will get mad at me/lose their faith in me”

If you've been through moments like these or know someone, this fifteenth episode of the Resilience series is for you, Join Dr. Carmen and learn how to make yourself a priority without hurting others or feeling guilty.


This content is sponsored by "Los Altos Community Foundation" to which we thank for their support. This information is not a substitute for therapy.


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