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June 4, 2017                                                         Pentecost Sunday

Appalachian Outreach Week, June 5-9


A Universal Language

John 7:37-39


Synopsis: There are many things in this world that divide us.  Language is one of them.  People and nationalities are identified by the language they speak.  Even within the same language there exists a wide variety of dialogues and accents.  People even change the meaning or use of words according to various regional understanding.  Today is Pentecost Sunday.  On this day, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the church as it was gathered in the Upper Room.  That event birthed the church and drew a large crowd of people from those who were in Jerusalem for the festival of Pentecost.  They were from various parts of the world and spoke different languages, but on that day the preachers spoke and the people heard the message in their own language.  Yes, that was a miraculous sign!  The presentation of the Gospel brought people together.  The love of God as illustrated in Christ Jesus is and will always be a “Universal Language.” 

      Jesus said, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said,

rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:37b-38, NIV).  Today, we celebrate that initial outpouring and the river of living water that continues to flood the world through the lives of believers.  Paul identified that “Universal Language” as “agape.”  We translate it as “love,” or “charity” but it is demonstrated than translated.  The Holy Spirit poured out into the lives of believers become a mighty rushing river of living water made available to “anyone who is thirsty.”  All the thirsty recognize the love of God’s when it is spoken.


Text: John 7:37-39, NIV; Acts 2:1-12, CEV; 1 Corinthians 13:3-13, NIV


Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:31-35