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July 2, 2017                                                               Lord’s Supper


Let Freedom Ring!

Romans 6:14


Synopsis: Labeling the National Holiday of July 4th as Independence Day is somewhat misleading.  Yes, it marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain but that didn’t make it so.  The fledgling “would be nation” had to struggle through years of battles against better trained, better supplied and better equipped forces.  The colonies did not succeed independently but united.  In 1768, eight years before signing of the Declaration of Independence, John Dickinson wrote The Liberty Song in which he called for raising funds for the struggle.  His song included the phrase, “By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.”  Indeed, independence from Great Britain was achieved on the basis of interdependence.  The phrase “United we stand, Divided we fall” should continue to be heard above the booming of fireworks on the 4th of July.

      We have gathered to day as a declaration of unity.  We are one in Christ Jesus or we are nothing.  There are many forces in our world that try to enslave us, but none are more powerful than God’s grace.

      We come as one this morning to The Table of Remembrance to acknowledge once more the source of our unity, Jesus Christ.  We are one in Christ Jesus or we are nothing.


Text (NLT): Romans 6:12-14, 15-19, 20-23; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26