In this age of rapid and overwhelming information, how does one choose what is important to learn? Opportunities to play are opportunities to learn. Play allows us to imagine ourselves in different realities, in different worlds where the rules are different, where we can be different. In these alternate worlds, we can demand more for ourselves. In these worlds, we can identify our needs and build rules and systems to meet our deepest needs. Just as someone imagined the world you see around you right now; the one in which neurodivergent needs go largely unmet - through play, we can imagine a world in which neurodivergent needs are met.

In this episode of the Embracing Intensity Podcast, host Aurora and Dr. Kimberly Douglas discuss the power of play in decolonizing neurodivergence. Dr. Douglas shares her insights on the relationship between play, imagination, and decolonization, and how they intersect in the context of gaming and world building.

They discuss the power of immersion, imagination, and safety in fostering a state of play, and how play can be a catalyst for expanding thinking and problem-solving. They explore the connection between play and power dynamics in society, particularly within the context of colonization. Dr. Douglas also shares her perspective on the need to decolonize neurodivergence and challenge oppressive systems that limit the expression of neurodivergent identities. The conversation concludes with a reflection on the possibilities and challenges of embracing play and creativity as tools for personal and societal transformation.

Stay tuned for this insightful conversation on play, decolonization, and embracing neurodivergent identities. Make sure to check out Dr. Kimberly Douglas' work and follow her on social media for more valuable insights.

About Kimberly:

Dr Kimberly Douglass is coach/consultant to Neurodivergent Adults.

Dr Douglass is currently constructing the first design studio of its kind, run by AuDHDers, for AuDHDers.

Dr Douglass became a full-time coach after working as staff, peer-reviewed researcher, faculty and administrator in higher education for over 17 years. She began the neurodivergence advocacy work over 13 years ago when she became the chief advocate for her Son who is neurodivergent. She has since gotten more in touch with her own neurodivergence. Dr Douglass is married to Dean Tate and lives in Tennessee.

In this episode:

Dr. Douglas shares her background and expertise in working with neurodivergent individuals.

The importance of safety and immersion in fostering a state of play.

Play encourages imagination, ideation, and thinking outside the box

The relationship between play and imagination, and the role of play in expanding thinking and problem-solving.

How neurodivergence challenges societal expectations and the worker role

The connection between play and power dynamics in society, and the need to decolonize neurodivergence.

Why decolonizing neurodivergence requires understanding larger systems of oppression

The possibilities and challenges of embracing play and creativity as tools for personal and societal transformation.

Permission to play and decolonize can bring up grief but also opens up possibilities


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Learn more about Dr. Kimberly Douglass

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