I’m excited to share today’s show with you. My guest has an interesting perspective as an obviously gifted person who has dyslexia. Her experience is fascinating, but there is so much more to her story and work. Join us!

Brenda Bryan is a kickass inspirational speaker and The Diviner of Human Potential. As a transformational coach and Mastermind facilitator, she supports women to unmask and nurture their genius, empowering them to live in the strength of their passion. Teaching through the Raise Your Voice Speaker’s Club, one-on-one workshops, and stages around the country, Brenda demonstrates authentic, warm-hearted humor with a deep wealth of knowledge of the importance of communication in feminine power. Brenda began working in her passion of building community and supporting women in the early 70s. Graduating with a degree in communications, she became active in the women’s movement. Through her activism, she acquired lasting skills in group processing, facilitation, and leadership. She facilitates ritual and teaches sacred art through drum-making and other creative works. For the past 45 years, Brenda has continued to build her toolkit to support women’s empowerment. Most recently, she was inspired to be the founder and CEO of It Must Be Said Productions, which is a platform for stories that need telling, a venue for social change. She believes the weaving together of creativity, innovation, and invention invites future visioning. 

Show Highlights:

Why Brenda is intensely passionate about feminism, helping women claim their place at the table, communication, ritual, and loving and nurturing ourselves Why Brenda’s personal brand of intensity involves anger over injustices and inequalities in our social order and environment, along with radical self-care and a questioning of authority Why Brenda wasn’t well-liked as she grew up because she would speak up and call people out Her learning challenges included trouble with reading, spelling, and writing due to dyslexia and being told she wasn’t “smart enough” How Brenda has seen positive outcomes from her journey with new possibilities as a  creative thinking problem solver How bigotry and prejudice against gay relationships set a tone for how and where she expressed herself How Brenda had to reinvent how she shows up and expresses herself in a “conscious becoming” How her intensity gets out of control when it’s heightened in relationships when boundaries are violated, but she has learned to manage and direct her passion and anger How Brenda uses her fire to help other women who are looking to become more How Brenda harnesses the power of her intensity with consistency of thought as she evolves as a human who adventures and takes risks in becoming How the personal habits of meditation, drumming, ritual, and spending time in nature help Brenda The best advice she ever received is two-part: “Stand up when you fall down,” and “There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn.” Books that have influenced Brenda: Learning to Heal Yourself by Louise Hay, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill How Brenda helps others by loving people where they are and helping them go where they want to go Parting words from Brenda: “Embrace your intensity. There is an infinite purpose in who you are and what you bring to the table.”


Connect with Brenda:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 503-728-8700