In today’s bonus episode I interview my dear friend and course co-creator, Laura Taylor, who joins us today to tell us why she was so excited to create this program with me, why she needs it just as much as you and me, and some of the healing modalities she will be sharing with us during the program, including sound healing, yin yoga, meditation and journaling.

If you haven’t already, make sure you pre-register to be the first to hear when the program goes on sale on 25th February right here.


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Let's connect:

Visit my website to find out more about working with me

Come hang out on Instagram where I share a tonne of free content

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Let's connect on clubhouse where I host free trainings: @lynda.stretton


About Laura

Laura is a Bristol based sound healing practitioner and yoga facilitator. Her mission is to connect with souls worldwide through sound, movement and energetic work; helping to guide you to cultivate a stronger connection to both your physical and energetic body. 

Connect with Laura via her website, Instagram or Facebook