Embodiment for the Rest of Us - Season 3, Episode 1: Intro Episode


Chavonne (she/her) and Jenn (she/her) discuss what’s coming up for them, and for you, in Season 3!


Content Warning: discussion of privilege, discussion of diet culture, discussion of fatphobia, discussion of racism, discussion of mental health, discussion of death of a family member


Trigger Warnings: 

39:50: Jenn discusses trichotillomania and dermatillomania 


The captions for this episode can be found at https://EmbodimentForTheRestOfUs.com/Season-3/Season-3-Episode-1-Season-Intro/#Captions


Links from this episode:

Accessibility Awareness

Body Trust

Camel Case/Pascal Case


Higher Priestess

Kelly Diels

Kymber Stephenson 

Michelle Phillips

Molly Adler

Neathery Falchuk

Rest Is Resistance

Sheila Ciminera



Music: “Bees and Bumblebees (Abeilles et Bourdons​)​, Op. 562” by Eugène Dédé through the Creative Commons License


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Website: EmbodimentForTheRestOfUs.com

Twitter: @EmbodimentUs

Instagram: @EmbodimentForTheRestOfUs

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