Embodiment for the Rest of Us - Season 3, Episode 9: Mikey Mercedes


Chavonne (she/her) and Jenn (she/her) interviewed Mikey Mercedes (she/they) about their embodiment journey.


Marquisele (Mikey) Mercedes (she/they) is a fat liberationist writer, creator, educator, and doctoral student from the Bronx, New York. As a Presidential Fellow at the Brown University School of Public Health, she works at the intersection of critical public health studies, fat studies, and scholarship on race/ism, examining how racism, anti-Blackness, and fatphobia have shaped health care, research, and public health. 


Mikey is also a co-host of the podcast Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back, which explores the lived fat experience from diverse vantage points to examine fatphobia in our relationships and culture. Her socials are @marquisele on Twitter, @fatmarquisele on Instagram, and Patreon.com/marquisele on Patreon. Their website is also marquiselemercedes.com


Content Warning: discussion of privilege, discussion of diet culture, discussion of fatphobia, discussion of racism, discussion of mental health, discussion of chronic medical issues, discussion of medical fatphobia


Trigger Warnings: None for this episode


The captions for this episode can be found at https://embodimentfortherestofus.com/season-3/season-3-episode-9-mikey-mercedes/#captions


A few highlights:

3:43: Mikey shares their understanding of “the rest of us” and how they are a part of that, as well as their privileges

1:03:33:  Mikey discusses how “Rest” right in the middle of the podcast name feels, occurs, and shows up for her

1:38:34: Mikey shares her work on her podcast and how she stays embodied while working with her co-hosts

1:59:58: Mikey discusses how listeners can make a difference based on this conversation

2:04:08: Mikey shares where to be found and what’s next for them


Links from this episode:



Black Feminism Reimagined

Black Feminist Thought

Da’Shaun Harrison

Ebony Oldham

Elite Capture

The Embodiment of Disobedience

Fat Activism

Fatness Spectrum

Fatty MPH

Fearing the Black Body

Google Form for Mikey’s doctoral research

Health Communism

Kimberlé Crenshaw

Matrix of Domination

Rachel Fox

Rest Is Resistance

Rebecca Puhl

Sydney Sky

Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back


Music: “Bees and Bumblebees (Abeilles et Bourdons​)​, Op. 562” by Eugène Dédé through the Creative Commons License


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Website: embodimentfortherestofus.com

Twitter: @embodimentus

Instagram: @embodimentfortherestofus

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