Embodiment for the Rest of Us - Season 4, Episode 2: Deep Dive with Tiana Dodson


Jenn (she/they) and Chavonne (she/her) interviewed Tiana Dodson (she/her) for a deep dive about embodiment and children.


Content Warning: discussion of sexuality


Trigger Warnings:

1:45:30: Tiana uses “insane” in a way that is ableist


The captions for this episode can be found at https://embodimentfortherestofus.com/season-4/season-4-episode-2-tiana-dodson/#captions


A few highlights:

7:06: Tiana discusses how children are embodiment teachers

59:32: Tiana shares how capacity and capability are distinct parts of embodiment

1:19:36: Tiana discusses creating and fostering foster relationships of liberation

1:37:00: Tiana shares what she’s doing next 

Links from this episode:



Being You: A First Conversation about Gender

In This Body: Finding Liberation Virtual Conference

Liberation is a Relationship

Love Notes For A New Year

The Nap Ministry


Other People Are In The Way of Your Liberation


Reclaiming Ugly

Rest is Resistance

Sex Positive Families

We Make the Path

Yes: Your Empowered Sexuality


Music: “Bees and Bumblebees (Abeilles et Bourdons​)​, Op. 562” by Eugène Dédé through the Creative Commons License


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