In this episode, I reflect on how we all experience the holiday’s differently and to honor what you might be moving through this holiday, how to stop comparing yourself to others, as well as a bit about what I'm personally moving through that has my holiday looking a lot different!

I share how social media is the catalyst to that “feeling bad about one’s self” syndrome and to honor the "You do you" perspective! 

I share what’s been happening in the collective from an astrological and energetic standpoint that might shed some light on what you might be moving through in this moment.

I let you in on my Christmas upbringing and how it looks much different today than it did when I was growing up and how I navigated this shift.  And how to do YOU and make this special for YOU and no one else, which is what I had to learn through my relationship.

I also share why it’s my first Christmas without a tree and all the fluff and decorating that I was brought up with doing as tradition and how I have been teetering between patience and impatience, human and ego, flow and force - and in turn practicing nurturance and acceptance and care for myself.

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Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast