I’ve wanted to produce a documentary on honesty for almost three years. In preparation, I gathered some street audio on honesty and dishonesty, definitions of the ideas and self-analysis (unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced some of this audio). I also conducted an incredibly insightful interview with Brad Blanton whose book Radical Honesty: How to […]

I’ve wanted to produce a documentary on honesty for almost three years. In preparation, I gathered some street audio on honesty and dishonesty, definitions of the ideas and self-analysis (unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced some of this audio). I also conducted an incredibly insightful interview with Brad Blanton whose book Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth I was reading at the time.

When I conducted this interview in 2005, Dr. Blanton was preparing to pursue a political career as an independent, green candidate on a platform of honesty.

I still have designs on producing a documentary on honesty. At the same time, I can’t keep this interview to myself any longer.

Show ID and intro
Interview with Brad Blanton
Anonymous ‘streeters’
Audio clips from Sage Tyrtle and Charles Cadenhead