While in Perth, ON last August, I learned about Bracelets of Hope, an initiative to raise the money necessary to build a medical clinic for a Village of Hope in Harare, Zimbabwe — all by selling handmade bracelets. Even more impressive is that the initiative was dreamed up by a ten-year-old. I met with Carrie-Anne […]

While in Perth, ON last August, I learned about Bracelets of Hope, an initiative to raise the money necessary to build a medical clinic for a Village of Hope in Harare, Zimbabwe — all by selling handmade bracelets. Even more impressive is that the initiative was dreamed up by a ten-year-old.

I met with Carrie-Anne Bauer and her mother, Pamela, in a park in Ottawa last August (2007) and conducted this interview. I’ve been beating myself up for not having released this interview sooner. That was before I received an update from Pamela this past Friday (April 4, 2008) . Her update inspired me to publish the interview now. I think it has more impact this way.

Show ID and intro
Interview with Carrie-Anne and Pamela Bauer (August 2007)
Update on Bracelets of Hope fundraising (April 2008)

Relevant links:

Bracelets of Hope
Village of Hope Zimbabwe
Sub-Saharan HIV and AIDS statistics

Photo of Carrie-Anne and the Bracelets of Hope provided by Pamela Bauer.