Not only will we compare cheap wall clocks to works of art, I'll give you some great tips on determining if someone is actually dead! Take that, Curiosity Show.

0:00 Intro 

2:14 Music: Introduction/Main Menu

3:00 From The Archives: Darius Twin

4:56 Music: Rilair

6:46 Review Review: Coryoon: Child Of Dragon

23:06 Music: Lankus

24:49 News Of The Weird 

38:54 Music: Padi

40:34 Outro 

For all your Me needs! -

Intro music: Empty Victory - Savestates

Archives music: Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey

Review music: Samicom - 

News music: Ijha - beek

Outro music: My Ghostly Friend - smh