I'd give that jerk the kind of attention that comes at the end of a two by four, I tell ya what. 

0:00 Intro 
2:19 Music: Title/Opening
4:05 From The Archives: Coryoon: Child Of Dragon
6:09 Music: Stage 2 Blue Lake
6:48 Review Review: Copoka
18:23 Music: Stage 3 Orange Valley
19:57 News Of The Weird 
32:07 Music: Ending
32:38 Outro 

For all your Me needs! - www.jasonsgroovemachine.com
Intro music: Empty Victory - Savestates
Archives music: Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey
Review music: Samicom - 
News music: Ijha - beek
Outro music: My Ghostly Friend - smh