I've had a lot of jobs that seem to put me in close proximity to dead things. But it hasn't changed my positive outlook on life and my charming personality. Not one bit.

0:00 Intro 

3:06 Music: Opening/Title

5:26 From The Archives: Dead Moon

8:00 Music: City

9:04 Review Review: Darius Twin

27:09 Music: Moon

28:05 News Of The Weird 

39:30 Music: Ending

40:55 Outro 

For all your Me needs! - www.jasonsgroovemachine.com

Intro music: Empty Victory - Savestates

Archives music: Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey

Review music: Samicom - 

News music: Ijha - beek

Outro music: My Ghostly Friend - smh