Full Episode and Transcript Here

In this very detailed conversation with the most passionate, wonderful Dr. Pete Kelly, we discussed a wide variety to subjects that has to do with mental health and some of the latest research in the field. 

 In this conversation, we discussed

— Pete’s unique persepctive on depression based on his experience

— His observation of people who are attracted to the mental health profession, and what they tend to do

— How he works with depression and what he has found to be effective

—What has our souls got to do with depression

— The relationship between repressed anger, perfectionism and depression. 

Dr. Pete Kelly is one of the most passionate clinicians I have ever met. I hope you enjoy this one!

For more, 

Please visit: https://www.eggshelltherapy.com


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Disclaimers: https://www.eggshelltherapy.com/disclaimers 


Trigger Warning: This episode may cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, relationship challenges, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, psychedelics, and the use of plant medicines. You are advised to refrain from watching or listening to the YouTube Channel or Podcast if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.

Disclaimer: The content provided is for informational purposes only. Please do not consider any of the content clinical or professional advice. None of the content can substitute professional consultation, psychotherapy, diagnosis, or any mental health intervention.  Opinions and views expressed by the host and the

Create Harmony

This is a podcast about setting an intentional rhythm, savoring life’s blessings and...

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Eggshell Therapy and Coaching: eggshelltherapy.com
About Imi Lo: www.imiloimilo.com
Newsletters: https://eepurl.com/bykHRz

Disclaimers: https://www.eggshelltherapy.com/disclaimers
Trigger Warning: This episode may cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, relationship challenges, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, psychedelics, and the use of plant medicines. You are advised to refrain from watching or listening to the YouTube Channel or Podcast if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.

Disclaimer: The content provided is for informational purposes only. Please do not consider any of the content clinical or professional advice. None of the content can substitute professional consultation, psychotherapy, diagnosis, or any mental health intervention. Opinions and views expressed by the host and the guests are personal views and they reserve the right to change their opinions. We also cannot guarantee that everything mentioned is factual and completely accurate. Any action you take based on the information in this episode is taken strictly at your own risk. For a full discl...