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Edified Equity Podcast Episode 34: Million Dollar Tip & Great way to Stay Focused & Organized & Boost productivity by 50%+ in 2019!

Quick History-Story:
When Charles Schwab became President of Bethlehem Steel in 1903, he made an unusual offer to his consultant, Ivy Lee:
“Show my staff, and me, a way to get more done in less time and I’ll pay you any fee within reason.”

Without batting an eyelid, Lee offered to give Schwab a quick and simple tip that would boost his productivity by at least fifty percent.

Here’s the gist of what he said in the twenty minutes he had before Schwab had to leave to catch a train:
1. Take a card and write down the six most important things you have to do tomorrow. Keep it accessible, in sight, & with you at all times (Pocket or Purse).
a. Number them in order of importance aka prioritize.

2. First thing tomorrow, start working on item one until you finish it.

3. Next, do the same with item two, item three and so on, until it’s time to stop for the day.

4. Don’t worry if you only finish one or two items on the list. If you can’t finish them with this system, you’d never have finished them with any other system. This way, you will at least have finished your most important tasks.

Lee invited Schwab to try the system for as long as he liked and pay what he thought it was worth.

Two weeks later, Schwab sent Lee a check for $25,000.00! Keep in mind this was in 1903.

At the time, some people said it was foolish of Schwab to pay so much for a simple idea, and so little consulting time.

But Schwab later credited Lee’s advice with helping him transform Bethlehem Steel, from a virtual unknown co. into the largest independent steel producer in the world, in less than five years.

In the process, Schwab earned a personal fortune of over $100million.
(Source: The Millionaire in You by Michael LeBoeuf.)

“Chunk” to become laser focused and extremely productive - If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

I hope you find this simple system as a helpful tool and you start implementing it soon!