What is marketplace SEO? Is it the same as e-commerce SEO? Not necessarily. 

Listen to this episode to hear guest Brodie Clark, SEO consultant, discuss the unique challenges with marketplace SEO and what makes it different than e-commerce SEO. Lastly, he and Erin Sparks opine on what the SEO community needs to thrive today.

Now let’s join the SEO marketplace and talk marketplace SEO. . . on the EDGE!

[00:00:34] Reintroducing Brodie Clark [00:01:48] Marketplace SEO [00:09:39] Top 5 Points for Marketplace SEO [00:15:22] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics [00:16:07] Google's Choosing Not to Index Sometimes [00:19:36] User-Generated Content [00:21:57] EDGE of the Web Sponsor: Wix [00:22:31] Localized Content Strategy in Marketplace SEO [00:24:44] Unique Content [00:28:03] What Does the SEO Community Need to Thrive [00:33:04] EDGE of the Web Sponsor: SE Ranking [00:34:38] Fear of Scrutiny

Thanks to our sponsors!

Site Strategics https://edgeofthewebradio.com/site Wix https://edgeofthewebradio.com/wix SE Ranking https://edgeofthewebradio.com/seranking

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