Have you heard about Google’s new Project Magi? Word is that GA4 was just updated to include “one per session” conversion tracking.

Jacob Mann, Mordy Oberstein and Erin Sparks tackle these news topics and dive into Google’s latest product review update, its video thumbnail update, and more.

Check out the digital marketing news for this week. . . on the EDGE!

News from the EDGE:

[00:03:50] Google is Developing a New Search Engine and Working on Additional Search Features through Project Magi [00:11:54] GA4 Update Introduces "Once Per Session" Conversion Counting Method to Enhance User Experience [00:14:27] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics [00:15:03] Google's April 2023 Update Prioritizes User Experience in Reviews [00:20:03] EDGE of the Web Sponsor: InLinks

Barry Blast from Search Engine Roundtable:

[00:21:12] Google: Most Links SEOs Make To Gain Rankings & Manipulate Search Are Ignored [00:23:43] Google: Just Because A Site Is Good Now, Doesn't Mean It Won't Degrade In Search Quality Later [00:25:16] Google Removes Video Thumbnails In Search Results When Video Is Not Main Content

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