It’s our last episode of 2020, and today we’re wrapping up the year! We’re talking about our takeaways from this crazy year, looking ahead at a few goals, listing our most popular podcast episodes of the year, and sharing what’s coming in 2021 for Eat Confident Co. We’ll also give you a few thoughts on goal setting in general to help you wrap up the year for yourself!

Grab all the links we mention in this episode in the show notes at

Our most popular podcast episodes of 2020:

Ep 137: How to Get Rid of Food Rules (Part 2)

Ep 138: 3 Essentials for Becoming a Confident Eater

Ep 139: Meal Planning for Intuitive Eaters

Ep 140: What to Measure Instead of Your Weight

Ep 141: Lies Diet Culture Tells You

For more help with goal setting, grab our free 3-part video series, Find Your Food Confidence, at

We also talked about goal setting last year in Ep 106: Goal Setting from an Intuitive Eating Perspective - How to Set Goals that Reflect Your Values and would recommend that as an additional resource for this time of year.

If you’d like more support + guidance in your process of becoming a Confident Eater, we’re here to help. Learn more about our group coaching program, Eat Confident Collective at

If you like this episode, we’d love to hear from you! Take a screenshot, share it on Instagram, and tag us We’re cheering you on, and we love knowing how the podcast is helping you!

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