With 18 years cutting and coloring her way through the beauty industry, she's equally adept at crafting the perfect hairstyle as she is at navigating the complex balance between parenting and personal well-being. As a mother of three and survivor of a childhood marked by addiction and manipulation, AT's story —a testament to the power of self-taught skills and self-care in the face of life's adversities.

AT's journey through motherhood is a stark reminder of the importance of establishing boundaries, not just with others but also with the expectations we set for ourselves. Our conversation pulls no punches, tackling tough topics like childhood sexual abuse and the intricate process of healing while also celebrating the joy found in simple hobbies that offer solace from the relentless demands of parenthood and professional life.

We wrap up our heart-to-heart with an empowering call to arms for all mothers out there: to arm our children with the knowledge and communication skills needed to navigate their own mental health and personal boundaries. As we discuss the legacy we wish to leave for our little ones, it's clear that our roles as parents are not just about the example we set but also about the conversations we open up.

Connect with Atalaya @hairbyablonde IG

Connect with me on Instagram at Martini Mamas Podcast.

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