Meet Gina, a yoga enthusiast turned mom entrepreneur, who decided to capture the reins of her life, balancing her roles seamlessly and inspiring many along her journey. Join us as we journey through Gina's life story, from her battle with postpartum depression her refuge in yoga, to the birth of Invitation Yoga & Events.

Gina's  isn't just about the struggle; it's about discovering the silver lining. After a sudden move due to water damage at her home and the usual trials of motherhood, she found her calming sanctuary in yoga. This path led her to create Invitation Yoga & Events, a mobile yoga practice designed to help women reconnect with themselves and create a supportive community. Be ready to dive into an enlightening chat about how you can find peace and self-discovery even in the most tumultuous times.

But it's not all yoga and balance. Gina also shares her exploration of Ayurveda and how it helped her identify her dominant dosha. We also discuss understanding our love languages and connecting with our inner selves. Ending on a high note, we reflect on the pros and cons of having a creative brain and how grounding practices can keep us present and mindful. It's easy to get lost in the hustle of everyday life, but let's take a moment to breathe with Gina, and get a fresh perspective on motherhood, yoga, and self-discovery.

Read the  about Ayurveda

Take the Dosha Quiz >>Here<<

Connect with Gina of  Invitation Yoga and Events 

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