It's time to get back on the rack (get used to that one, because we might have to use it every episode) as Ian, Cappsy and Danny continue trawling through the sticky pages of the Smegazine and, as tradition dictates, Issue #2 follows Issue #1... so here we are.

Before you press play, be sure to have the issue in front of you in your PDF viewer of choice so you at least have a slight chance of knowing what the actual balls we're talking about.

Show notes

Three Wolf Moon
The Reconstructed Heart, which aired in September 1992 in the end, not February.
Sonic The Comic didn't start until March 1993 actually, Ian.
Cappsy's two favourite piece of Red Dwarf fan fiction - The Last Temptation of Kryten by Richard Street and The Plan by Seb Patrick.
The elusive Video Competition attachment has been located! Screenshots here: One - Two - Three - Four