Carrotists assemble, for it is time to travel back to the time of violent revolution, flamboyant trousers, Le Pimpernel Scarlet and *very* suspicious sausages as DwarfCasts continue its series of 'Dwarf adjacent commentaries' with the classic episode of Blackadder the Third, Nob and Nobility. We also take the opportunity to talk at length about our love for the show while answering your Bladder specific waffles.

Show notes

Behind the scenes footage of the Blackadder Goes Forth rehearsals.
Red Dwarf finished 18th in the BBC's 2004 Britain's Best Sitcom poll.
Tom Blades performed the guitar solo for Red Dwarf's opening titles, but Howard Goodall can't remember if it was him or Ian Lawes on Blackadder.
The opening credits to The Flashing Blade - a possible inspiration for The Black Adder.

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