In a small break from our regularly scheduled programming (and while we figure out what commentary we want to do next) we've put together another tottering stack of waffles for you you cram into your eager maws. Just how much of this episode is devoted to talking about cats? Who will Danny impersonate this time? Will Cappsy be hearing from the RSPCA's lawyers? Find out!

Show notes

Advert for Flying Horse energy drink which explores the physics of cat / toast interactions.
The safest way to drop a cat from a tower block.
The buttered toast phenomenon.
Dad barred from kids' school for accidentally wearing rude Red Dwarf t-shirt.
'Suggestion for a DwarfCast' forum thread.
Caitlin Moran being a twat about Red Dwarf fans.
Our Vindalunar live blog and the YouTube  "highlights".
Handy Andy's Andy Warhol Handy Wall Holders.