Chris Ruden is the only 7 fingered, type 1 diabetic powerlifter - and boy does he have some seriously fantastic advice when it comes to setting goals and making changes in your life. Chris’s motto is all limitations are self-imposed and his attitude falls along the lines of “tell me what I can’t do, and I’ll go out and do it better.” If you’ve ever struggled with creating opportunities or goals for yourself - get out a pen and some paper, because you’ll want to take notes for this episode!

The only thing you can control in life is how you react to it. Understanding that gives you the power to change the things that you can and positively respond to the things you cannot. You can create so many opportunities for yourself with this mindset. It’s also okay to be emotional - all goals have an “emotional hot button” attached to them, that is what drives you to complete the goal. Vulnerability isn’t weakness, fear is weakness. The only limitations you face, are ones you impose on yourself. Break free and focus on how you can do it instead of how you can’t!

In this episode we talk about…

Chris’s journey into fitness and his personal struggles Making opportunities for yourself. Control how you react to the good and the bad, how you react can guide you.   Making yourself opportunities whenever and however you can Circle of concern vs circle of influence. Perspective is key


Powerful Quotes to Remember:

You can’t control everything, actually you can only control one thing - how you react.    I found my opportunity through my obstacle. The opportunities that are given to you, are given to you because you decide to create them - they are not just handed out. All limitations are self-imposed. You have to be selfish in order to be selfless.


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You can also connect with Chris via his Website, YouTube, Twitter, Chronically Motivated Podcast or send him an email at [email protected]

For more information on Amber Morningstar, visit the Dropset Gorgeous LinkTree or email her at [email protected]

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