Today I’m going to chat with you about the “Love Triangle” between balance, greatness, happiness. You can achieve happiness being through either balance or greatness, but you can’t have both balance and greatness at the same time. Equally distributing your efforts to maintain balance in life may bring you happiness,  but also mean that you are not truly great at any one particular thing.

You don’t achieve greatness  through being average - greatness requires at least some level of being unbalanced because you’re putting more effort into that one thing than you are the rest of the areas in your life. Think “Jack of all trades, master of none.”  It’s important to remember that being great at something (especially something that you don’t truly love) won’t always bring happiness. And being completely balanced in life also doesn’t mean that you’ll find happiness because then you aren’t dedicating yourself to your passion.

The problem with these three things - balance, greatness, happiness - is that none of them are tangible. They are emotional states that can be defined differently by different individuals. So you have to find your own definitions for these items and then find a way to create a delicate unison between them to feel fulfilled.

In this episode we talk about…

The Love Triangle of Balance, Greatness, and Happiness.    Can have balance and happiness, or greatness and happiness - but not all three. Finding balance or greatness does not guarantee happiness.   These definitions are based upon perspective, they are subjective to each individual. Mapping out your own definitions and priorities to find your own happiness.   Being real with yourself about what you’re willing to invest to hit certain results 


Powerful Quotes to Remember:

Being great at something requires a level of unbalance, a level of dedication, and a level of sacrifice.    Your definition of these things - balance, greatness, happiness - should be something as unique to you as your DNA.


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For more information on Amber Morningstar, visit the Dropset Gorgeous LinkTree or email her at [email protected]