Inflammation is a buzzword we’re seeing EVERYWHERE these days. So what does that actually mean? And what causes it? What can you do about it? 


In this episode I chat with functional medicine doctor expert, best-selling author, and inflammation guru Dr. Will Cole, who lends his expertise to a chapter of my new book, The Farewell Tour: A Caregiver’s Guide to Stress Management, Sane Nutrition, and Better Sleep (Viva Editions). In this episode we discuss: 


Inflammation and it’s impact on our wellbeing, plus its causes and treatments its causes, examine what it means to our diet and how it can be either controlled or chaos

Budget-friendly foods and practices to help reduce inflammation How even the tightest budget could help you be inflammation free

What actions other than diet can contribute to inflammation 

What eating patterns are helpful and hurtful for inflammation

How parents can talk diet with their kids about healthy eating 

Wel also nerd out on the book-writing process and get into what to do about the social media venom. 


Check out his website (, Instagram (  and Facebook ( ) for more information about his clinic, resources, this amazing man and to check out his books

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